This book appears to be the latest in a tsunami of recent papers and books that argue that, because science is not perfect, it is deeply flawed. If these books and papers compared science with any other "way of knowing" we'd see that careful scientific observation is imperfect but powerful. Whether we wish to know what causes disease or how the human mind works, we see that science is, by far, the best way to understand the natural world and solve important human problems -- from racism to diabetes. The very, very large majority of scientists work to uncover the truth, and they do it either because they simply want to know the truth or because they want to improve the human condition. It is a strength, not a weakness, of science that it is open (transparent) and self-correcting. Scientists criticize each other's work, and when scientists realize they (or others) have made mistakes, they bring this out into the open and move forward. Criticizing science for not always getting everything correct plays right into the hands of those who are destroying our planet with greenhouse gases and pushing the immediate economy over human life in the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been politicians, not scientists, who have botched COVID-19. I have worked in government, business, and science, and there is no comparing the three disciplines for how much they care about the truth. The Constitution is why we had slavery and why we still have gerrymandering. Business is why epi-pens cost $700 rather than $13. Science is why you have cell phones, why we can cure most phobias, and how we know that viruses cause disease.